— Operational Management of Trading Activities (trading deployments, limit and balance reviews, configuration management; account transfers, report reconciliations; restarting or stopping trading systems; communication with brokers and exchanges; basic trading analytics upon request);
— Proactive Trading Monitoring (identifying inefficiencies in strategy behavior; detecting bugs, performance degradations, and “bad behavior” (e.g., market abuse); monitoring missed profit opportunities and uncontrolled risks);
— Incident Management. Rapid and Effective Escalation: Immediate escalation (within minutes) to the right people for production incidents; Independent Handling of Routine Incidents: Following established instructions; Parallel Debugging of Non-standard Incidents: Ensuring maximum observability of issues;
— Debugging and Issue Classification ( independent investigation of issues; gathering necessary logs and details; classifying and prioritizing issues; escalating major problems to Trading Systems teams);
— Documentation and Tooling Improvements: Contribute to improving documentation and tools, within skill capacity;
— Staying Informed (reading financial and technical news; monitoring exchange newsletters);
— Developing Trading Analytics (writing live and post-trading checks; building analytical scripts using production and market data; investigating unrealistic trading scenarios);
— Manual Hedging: Manually hedging positions in case of critical incidents.